Sunday, June 26, 2022



what you guys gone another blog  here for you on Windows 10 versus Windows 7 and which one is better so which one do you think is the better operating system now we're not talking about in the past we're talking about right now in 2022 which one comes out on top and which one should you be using in 2022 so first off let's start off with the biggest nail in the coffin for Windows 7 and that is the end of life it's the end of life cycle for Windows 7 since January 14 2020 Microsoft ceased all our support for Windows 7 that means they won't be giving you any more updates or anything like that you are on your own with that operating system now that is a real big issue for the future because obviously maybe not now but in the future windows 7 will become more vulnerable over over time now whether you're listening to Joe Bloggs down the road who says he uses Windows XP or Windows 7 and he's never been infected in all his life well he's just one person and basically there's a lot of people that will use Windows 7 and 4 fail to other things like malware around somewhere and other security issues without any sauce support so you can't be listening to fanboys on the internet who just want to continue to use Windows 7 because because they refuse to give up on Windows 7 itself next up let's talk about the updates for Windows 7 and Windows 10 now Windows 7 updates of course when they worked they wasn't the very best in the world they were super slow and it was a bit clunky in my personal opinion as a PC tech I've dealt with this sort of stuff all the time and if you was to come in here and have to roll out updates inside here it used to take forever and it was a little bit slow and cumbersome now the Windows 10 updates are a lot better in my personal opinion they do come down a lot more smoother in the background it's a lot more trouble-free when you're getting and receiving your updates there is some little issues with the Windows 10 updates in my personal opinion one of them is there a bit forceful they have added in this pause area for home users it's slightly different they may have some other issues going on but the pro users do have a bit more control over this by pausing and also making changes to the dates here too when you want to receive your updates it's a little bit more better with the Windows 10 Pro the other side of updates is the actual forcefulness of it when it comes down it used to force the PC to shutdown and they have sort of resolved that issue a little bit where you can change all of that by changing up here the update options and also there is another issue with bugs a lot more bugs have been coming through Windows 10 when you update Windows 10 all the time some people are freezing the updates like this update here I've tried to install it and it causes me problems so now I've rollback and now I'm leaving this well alone until I find that there's a fix now this is a common thing for Windows 10 and this is another you know falling aside for Windows 10 users there's always problems somewhere along down the line for a Windows 10 update so now people are starting to pause them and stop them from updating but in general Windows 7 compared to Windows 10 updates Windows 10 has a lot more smoother updating system and they come down a lot more better compared to Windows 7 and of course without Windows 7 updates now that's also another nail in the coffin for Windows 7 compared to having bugs with Windows 10 updates I'd rather have updates with a little bug here and there compared to having no updates at all so that is again another nail in the coffin for Windows 7 now next up we're talking about malware and ransomware again without any sort support you are going to be vulnerable now you can install an anti-virus program you can install you know firewalls and stuff like that and try to restrict the amount of malware that you're going to get but the problem is Windows 7 was always vulnerable to malware in the first place it was never really that great at defending itself against malware and malware used to get on the system really easy and disable firewalls disable antivirus programs you know jack up the browser so you couldn't use the browser and in the background it will be doing stuff rootkits there was loads of issues with windows 7 whereas windows 10 the malware problem has sort of gone away a little bit you don't see as much malware problems with Windows 10 and the reason for that is because the security is a lot more stronger on Windows 10 and some of Microsoft the same up to two times better than what Windows 7 was now I have to agree that over the years I've fixed the load of Windows 7 systems and  malware on these windows 7 systems were absolutely dreadful they really were they used to get absolutely infested with malware and become unusable and this is a common problem and if you asked any PC repair tech they'll tell you they spent many hours trying to clean a windows 7 base machine including Windows XP as well as just the same and they used to get really badly infected now with Windows 10 you don't have that problem at all all you get with Windows 10 is the odd bit of adware and you can go to any PC repair shop and you will not see an infested Windows 10 operating system is just not very easy to infect if you've got all the security features turned on and that is basically why I think Windows 10 is a lot better system when it comes to protecting you against malware even ransomware it can sort will do some sort of defense towards ransomware and then you put in your own antivirus program and firewall and now you've got a really super secure operating system compared to Windows 7 so Windows 7 with antivirus programs never really sort of did anything really it used to let malware straight on the system and it will sort of disable the antivirus programs I've seen it so many times and I've made so many videos on that subject over the years because they were easy to infect and I the reason why you don't see as many for the Windows 10 operating system is because it's not that easy to infect as it once was with Windows 7 and that sort of blends into the support and security side of things so the support is not going to be there for Windows 7 anymore because Microsoft they've stopped all support so the security is then going to be a lot more bigger issue with Windows 7 so moving on from malware to ransomware to support and security it becomes a big problem so that problem is not going to go away and I've even read an article online where someone actually made a claim that because Windows 7 has now become end-of-life all the malware creators are going to put their target onto Windows 10 which makes Windows 7 a lot more secure what sort of nonsense is that I mean that is really stupid advice that is from a security site but it's absolutely ludicrous it really is now if you're using Windows 10 and you've upgraded already and you've got Windows 10 then you're pretty much good to go you are gonna be a lot more safer using Windows 10 then you are using Windows 7 that's for sure so let's talk about privacy now as far as I know Windows 7 doesn't have a lot of telemetry data collected on Windows 7 there is a little bit installed onto it but not vast amounts and you can deal with that a little bit better than you can with Windows 10 so Windows 7 is by far the best operating system compared to Windows 10 when it comes to telemetry data being collected so we can basically give Windows 7 straight out of the gate the the victory for that one because we know Windows 10 his whole purpose is to collect data and basically spy on you and that's what it's designed to do if it's not Cortana Cortana collects loads of information you've got your privacy settings here which you can come into all of this stuff is collecting data the diagnostic and feedback if you've got it set to basic it will still collect data you cannot turn this off no matter how much you try and you can use third-party applications so you can do all of thet weaking you can want to do on a Windows 10 system it will still send data back there was no way of shutting it off it's built into the operating system and that is that you're going to have to learn to live with it some people have left this on full sindh which means it's going to send a lot of information what sort of information well the false send is going to be sending stuff that you type inside your search box it's gonna send your browsing history it's gonna send loads of other information back to Microsoft the basic sent will send stuff like your PC hardware information it will send your software and information it will also send any sort of diagnostic data like blue screen of death s-- any sort of information like that that will get sent back to it but the full scent will be basically you can send into quite a lot of information so be careful not to have that enabled now when it comes to other bits and pieces with Windows 10 it's been known that you have to go in here and turn off a lot of features and even then there is still sort of that gray area of what sort of other information are they collecting no one really knows the full the full damage that what they've been collected because Microsoft haven't been upfront about how much data they're collecting and what type of data they have give you sort of some idea or some inkling of what they are collecting but not the full disclosure of it so you have to sort of worry about the privacy side of things on Windows 10 now anotherbig concern for Windows 7 users was software a lot of people that were using software have got proprietary software that only works with Windows 7 and also third-party apps and stuff like that don't ever be run on Windows 7 hence why people were to sort of hesitant about upgrading to Windows 10 because they couldn't do it because they had to use Windows 7 to use their software now you could install Windows 10 and then have a virtual machine for that software which is possible to do but you shouldn't have to jump through a bunch of Hoops to get a piece of software working on praying system that should support it so there is that sort of software compatibility issue with Windows 10 and the reason why they're trying to do that is because Windows 10 is a new operating system they are support in the more branded types like Photoshop Adobe products and stuff like that but the third-party applications and proprietary stuff which is really meant for Windows 7 it's not gonna be supported or a lot of it's not going to be supported on Windows 10 and the reason for that is obviously security support and it also will slow up the operating system having to keep using old sort of software so every new operating system that Microsoft comes out with they tend to sort of drop a little bit of support for the older types of software and that's the sort of entice you over to the new operating system but this time around I don't think it's been so so helpful because a lot of people have been really sort of stuck they they can't afford to jump ship to Windows 10 because they've got a lot of software licenses they have to pay for and they're stuck in a hole where they can't get out you know and they have to stay with Windows 7 so it's not been very helpful from Microsoft by not allowing them to use that software now they can make it backward compatible with that type of software it's just that they've chosen not to for a lot of the software and the reason for that is as I've said is the support side of it you know the amount of support and it make it slower less secure and stuff like that so that's the reason probably why they're not doing it ok so this just talk about hardware requirements now hardware requirements for Windows 7 Windows 8 and 8.1 and Windows 10 are identical there's no difference between any of the systems on paper but in the real world we know that Windows 7 will have trouble with driver support and that is a common issue so when you go into your setup here and you go device manager you will find that you may have issues with certain drivers and that's because the hardware hasn't got the right driver installed now you'll go looking for that software that driver for that particular piece of hardware and you may find that it's not supported it's ended its life basically they've not updated the drivers for it it may only have up to Windows 7 sometimes they go up to Windows 8 and sometimes they released Windows 10 so if you're one of the lucky ones that has four support for all the hardware in your system and it lets you get the drivers for it then you may be ok it may be a sound card driver it may be a network driver it may be some other sort of driver that you need which is now got this yellow exclamation mark and you'll go to the manufacturers website and they've stopped releasing updates for it now what you can do is sometimes use say for instance a driver for Windows 8 and that might sometimes work so you might have an old printer there that's only goes up to Windows 8 you might be under install windows 8 driver on Windows 10 and it will suddenly work sometimes unfortunately that doesn't work and you will end up with a piece of hardware that doesn't have a driver and it makes it pretty much useless to you so you will have to replace hardware so there is another big cost for people that are rolling out to Windows 10 now most of the time when those 10 does install on a lot of based systems that are running Windows 7 that are okay and you have no trouble at all but there is that odd occasion where you will run into issues like that and that could be another cost that you need to take into account when ou're upgrading an older system to Windows 10 and then you've got the other side of things is when you get all of the drivers installed and everything is working okay you've got that really important part is how much RAM do you have on paper they will tell you the system will run with literally 1 gigabytes of RAM and I can tell you right now that it would be super slow you will never be able to get you need more than 4 gigabytes to run Windows 10 it will run really really slow if you start opening up tabs in your browser it will be basically grinding to a halt so I would say at least 6 gigs minimum to start even considering upgrading to Windows 10 if you haven't got there and you've got 4 gigs you're gonna have a miss time using it and also the processing power as well was a big issue if you don't have a lot of processing power and you have low RAM as well and you're running a mechanical drive it's not going to be a very nice experience for you running Windows 10 hence why you see a lot of old systems on eBay being sold for for certain amounts of money because of you know it's just more trouble than it's worth so they just sell them off and then they build new systems but anyway that's gonna be about it for this blog I think that is as far as I'm willing to take the Windows 10 versus Windows 7 and which one is better I think you basically know where I'm going with this Windows 7 has had its day it's finished you need to move forward it's got far too many difficulties ahead of it and Windows 10 is a far more superior operating system than Windows 7 in my personal opinion yes Windows 10 is a data collecting machine and it does have privacy concerns on there but personally you're gonna have to upgrade at some point you can't put it off your options are if you want to run Windows 7 you can run all your software in a virtual machine if that's what you need to do and you can stay on Windows 7 you're still going to have that security issue with Windows 7 again if you want to jump ship you can jump ship to Apple products linux-based systems Android which will be an absolute nightmare to do and of course you've got Chromebooks as well which you can jump over to as well so the options are there if Windows 10 is not for you you've got other options available but basically if you're a Windows 10 user which or Windows user should say then Windows is where it's at that's where the mass market is and that's where the businesses are so it's not really an option for some people okay.

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