Sunday, June 26, 2022



apple has just announced the latest features coming to ios google a couple of weeks ago announced the latest features coming to android so we're just sat here thinking there's never been a better time to decide who's doing it better we're going to go through the 10 different aspects of the smartphone experience and see who wins more it could be a tie oh my god yeah we should have done 11. yeah of course you're saying okay so let's start with the display do you think the iphone's display has anything special about it or do you just think it's like a pretty average android phone screen with a thicker border and a kind of weird looking notch it's funny the phone has so many things that are best in class and then weirdly below average like as far as screen to body ratio it's decent but then it has the biggest notch you would ever see if it was an android phone it's pretty much the only phone in today's market with a notch exactly it's probably the smoothest 120 hertz display that i use in a phone that's interesting because of the responsiveness and the touch sample refresh rate so do you put this on the same level as a samsung screen like the s22 ultra very close i think the s22 ultra barely beats it in some things like brightness yeah and sharpness yeah but if you're just going like is it a great a plus screen yes for me the s22 ultra screen like i'm holding them side by side that feels like a different class it is when i'm in a bright scenario like the sun is beaming down on it this is actually so bright that it feels bright yeah whereas this is like okay it's visible right there are some edge cases where you notice the difference and speaking of edge thelittle bit of a curve around the edge you talked about the way it feels that's something i kind of prefer the flat of the iphone to be honest so i give it a little bit of extra credit there but it's sharp it's like your hand is curved the phone i hear that a lot but i weirdly kind of like that okay i understand it from an aesthetic thing but i yeah but it leaves a dent in my hand i'm holding an s21 ultra which is somewhere in between the two and i think that was a nice happy medium if we just go all of android iphone gets an a plus but if we're just going against samsung it's trailing by a little bit okay so it's up to you i'll leave it up to you okay we'll call it a draw that sounds like a draw to me yeah so number nine is performance and on paper it kind of seems like a really easy one because if you just run like geekbench multi-core benchmark the iphone scores higher and draws less power even if you're a gamer and you don't care about those numbers you get games earlier and those games seem to run smoother in your mind is there any nuance to this at all or is the iphone just better performance if you're counting performance as smooth feel frames per second that type of thing and overall power efficiency yeah the iphone is is a clear winner in my mind do you think the iphone even beats out potentially like gaming oriented android phones well it depends on if the game you play on that platform if the performance is great but you can't play the game you like is it actually a good performer i guess the one saving grace for androids is they do come with a lot more ram like this is the top end iphone 13 pro max six gigs of ram this comes with up to 12. in your experience does that contribute anything to like the multi-tasking experience or does it not matter three gigs of ram on an iphone feels like eight gigs of ram on an android phone sometimes because of the way they just fill up memory and aren't as efficient so yeah you can multitask more on a samsung phone because of the xram but also just because there's features that let you do more do you find you do that like i know android has split screen multitasking technically yeah you do use it no i don't oh yeah i don't personally use it i don't use it either i would consider myself like a fairly hardcore user and even then just having picture in picture  is about as far as my multitasking goes i gesture back and forth all the time copying and pasting i know i can multi-window i just never do it okay moving on to battery and so this is my experience right so iphone 13 pro max has got the best battery life of all the big phones and iphone 13 pro has the best battery life of all the compactphones does that mirror your experience there's two phones right now with 6000 milliamp batteries and if i put the rog phone at 60 hertz yeah it is a better battery technically than the iphone at 60 hertz but yeah generally i found that this is world-class battery 13 pro also world-class battery mini is in the equation two not as great but then you're comparing it to other phones that are small you're comparing it to miniature fans at that point yeah which doesn't have great batteries anyway so yeah top of the class as far as battery for sure so there's another side to battery which is the charging how much do you think that factors in to the the battery experience does it matter to you to me it matters a lot it changes the way i use a phone if it charges quickly and i know i can charge quickly i don't mind it dying quicker because i know i can plug in for five minutes and be fine okay it's a different type of peace of mind it's interesting because for me i  would much rather my phone doesn't die in the first place oh yeah and this is a phone where i can actually trust that like on the way here like i took a flight from uk to us so i was moving back eight hours which meant that i effectively had a 24-hour day and this still had 20 left at the end of that and so at that point like isn't fast charging just making up for a lack of capacity in the first place so if i could only pickfast charging and mediocre battery or great battery mediocre charging i would pick great battery mediocre charging right but if you don't have a great battery you better have good charging and a lot of android phones have incredible charging the iphone can charge decently quickly not like super fast but i still put it as the winner in the category just because the baseline battery life is so good okay so the battery ward goes to the iphone okay this is where it gets kind of juicy so we want to talk about the cameras and we'll start with photography and then videography can be the next section okay so i guess a good way of kind of getting to the meter is if you had to pick one phone for the rest of your life to take photos with would it be an iphone would it be an android yeah it would be the app to take photos yeah and it's only because there's a couple small nuances within that question which is you take photos from the camera app you also take photos sometimes inside of another app instagram stories tick tocks video shooter snapchat whatever you're doing and all those things typically behave really well on the iphone now if i knew i was going to go to a national park and i was going to take a lot of bird photos believe me i'd take one with more zoom than the iphone's got but if you just want to like blanket everything for the rest of your life you can only take one for photos it still would be the iphone that actually surprises me uh because in my mind i would pick a vivo a samsung or a pixel i know they kind of over process photos but in my mind to actually achieve what we think is a natural look you almost need that over processing and so like if you've used vivo's x80 pro i don't know if you have um that has this this option called zeiss natural color and these things are often like just marketing gimmicks but when i used it i genuinely thought wow that is what my eyes are seeing for one of the first times ever yeah let me throw a couple extra variables at you for camera the shooting experience of you know what there's something i want to take a picture of let me just get the photo right now do you trust that camera i've had some issues with pixels where i take a photo and i put the phone back in my pocket and when i check it the next day that photo was never safe like that just doesn't happen on the iphone and there's a couple you know little things like that that make me go yeah one thing for the rest of my life i'm gonna take the most stable reliable one too do you think the iphone takesthe best end results no uh i think it's very close but i think you could argue for samsung's s22 ultra i think you could argue for pixel in some shots especially in darker environments and i think you'd have argued for iphone in some shots too with the ultrawide too so in that case it'd be more of a tie but factoring in the camera experience the whole camera experience goes to the iphone interesting so for me the fun side of android cameras is actually a factor i used to love the days where huawei would unveil a new phone and it always had this crazy cool gimmick like a super long zoom camera or incredible night mode and for me that would be like a it'd be like a toy that every time an opportunity presented itself i would take out my phone and be excited to see what it could do in that situation you get a hammer everything looks like a nail yeah yeah i feel you you don't really get that with the iphone camera does it matter it kind of reminds me of sports where the most boring team to watch is often the best one okay so then moving on to videography i feel like the answer is probably even easier than for you the iphone is uncontested videos yeah you know i do occasionally slip in shots from other cameras into my videos the most often i get away with it is the iphone i've shot entire videos on the iphone no problem my phone takes that one too it's actually not looking good for android right now yeah scoreboard scoreboard is pretty lopsided it's been a bit of a hot topic recently um eco consciousness so i guess in your opinion if a user is eco-conscious about the planet which phone is a better option iphone or android on average well there's a whole android spectrum let's say you go all the way to the fair phone right which is also an android land it's not even close i guess the fair comparison would be iphone flagship versus average android flagship okay so we take like a rounded average of the sony's the uh xiaomi's the samsungs yeah so i know this for sure so apple's devices right now on average use about 20 recycled materials so that is that is the most in the industry right now and they also have the most forward goal of being carbon neutral so they want to be carbon neutral by 2030 i think most other companies are more like 20 40 20 50. so from what i've seen apple is ahead in that except for those fringe cases like nokia does a lot and then fairphone does a lot if you're genuinely concerned about the planet buy a used phone yeah yeah or a refurbished one yeah but this one goes to the iphone all right so just before we get to pricing which i think is probably the big one we've got three categories about the software itself so i want to start with software reliability so in my experience this is not like a magic phone that just works all the time like some people say like there's no such thing yeah i've had bugs i've hadglitches i've had you know the the screen dials down its brightness quite a lot when it gets hot uh i have bugs with all kinds of phones so yeah if we're talking just the iphone um i know specifically it likes  to stop wireless charging when it gets kind of warm and that's just kind of annoying i guess it has to do that for safety reasons but there's a bunch of little things in the software occasionally the settings app will just crash i'll open it and it'll just disappear i guess when when apps crash they just disappear yeah and you're just like oh that's too bad like android will tell you like give you an error message or something but no phone is perfect so i guess that's that's sort of the baseline you're working with would you say the iphone is like equivalently reliable versus android or would you side with one over the other it kind of goes in waves i think right now ios is pretty stable and that compares to android yeah so let's go samsung for example have been using an s21 ultra for like a year and a half um very stable phone i feel like this is slightly off topic but why not the s22  a couple tiny things the vibration motor is so weak on that phone i was missing calls and notifications do you not have that problem no yeah i miss the way like this phone sits on a desk and like vibrates and i hear it on the desk to pick it up that one i just miss things all the time little thing yeah but basically the same experience everywhere else on the phone and i was like let me just stick with the one that works slightly less screen curve on the side so bizarre you choose to use last year's phone because it works better for you it's a whole year old it's crazy yeah no that's  just my choice no it's good it's really good not black everything by the way you talk a lot though actually about the camera being more reliable on the iphone it's quick to shoot so there's some where they're a little less consistent i'll open the camera app the first time and it'll open up right away takes the shot yeah and then a week later i go to open up the camera and it goes let me think about that for a second and then it opens up yeah it's just those little things that i noticed but just in regular apps you've done a lot of the side by sides you can see the way that yeah they're very similar so yeah okay so so we'll give we'll give reliability a draw okay so then software features this is kind of a broad category so obviously both os's do pretty much everything you'd want to but the question here is does one os do something that the other one just cannot match what things does ios do that android is just not there right now with not a lot i mean there's there's a couple things where you'll just dig into the settings and find stuff in android world that does not exist in iphone world and across the board there are all kinds of features in specialty phones gaming phones all sorts of stuff that you will just never find in an iphone so that's the way i look at it right are there things in iphones that don't i guess yeah like i'm thinking more like airdrop right people see that as a necessary feature sure facetime a lot of people see is irreplaceable oh interesting you've got share play you know a lot of people love the fact that you can especially now with ios 16 you can send a message to someone and they can jump into a share play with you yeah that's pretty convenient but i guess the caveat with a lot of iphone's cool features is that they're further locking you in to more apple products there are lots and lots and lots of features in the android world that are very important to a small number of people and then there are imessage facetime airdrop things like that in iphone world that are pretty important to a lot ofp eople a smaller number of features but like does samsung decks matter to you yeah no does does pass-through chargingmatter to you no right but like there's a an endless list of those things that you can find on certain android phones that would tilt it in android's favor for sure but there's these massive pillars on the iphone a small number ofthem that make a compelling case so it's a new way of thinking about it yeah so i guess yeah you probably can't call a winner in this category one of the key advantages android used to have is customization but you know you could argue that apple is catching up with that you know especially now with ios 16 all that lock screen stuff you know like a lot of people think that smartphones are kind of coming to a plateau right if apple is in this kind of mindset of we'll wait for other companies to do stuff we'll do it later but we'll do it better does that mean that when both os's reach their final kind of mature stages the apple will actually be ahead because with each feature they've integrated they've really taken their time and done it properly it feels like there's always going to be a bleeding edge that apple's not going to really dabble in you know between the the two assistants so you've got siri on iphone you've got google assistant on android yeah i think unanimously most people would say google assistant is better between the two like it's faster it can do more it's more intelligent but how much do you use it the assistant i use it all the time for a couple key things taking notes setting timers shopping lists i ask it in the morning every day what the weather and news is going to be stuff like that not that siri can't do that but there's a good amount of stuff i use it for um but are we taking averages because we've got let me see cortana is available alexa is available bixby is available but i guess all this one's a google assistant too so yeah i guess yeah i give that that edge so you never actually use siri no i  very rarely use siri oh i accidentally trigger siri more than i use that's so funny yeah sorry siri you know sometimes i find when i'm cussing out siri he actually goes yeah they just perk up like what did you say do you have any kind of hot takes on the new features that google announced for android 13 versus the new features that apple announced for ios 16. so the the one thing about customization that we're arguing like the iphone is catching up yeah the lock screen widgets it's better than android okay it's better that's a pretty hard take it might be a high tech you know android has had widgets forever yeah and so there's endless customization with widgets but this like late approach we've talke dabout with apple where they come in late but do things really well suddenly lock screen widgets if you're into that looks better on the iphone okay so you're thinking it's better from a a visual perspective it's not that there's more options or anything like that yeah it's consistency it's it's visual it's aesthetics it's the way you customize it it's simple and easy to understand yeah if i tried to hand this phone to my mom and said add a lock screen widget yeah go like that would that's very different so that sort of thing i sort of maybe that's a hot tick but i give the uh the iphone the edge there but yeah overall a lot of good features coming out of both camps cool so we'll call that category a draw so then the final one about software is about software support and this is another one of those where on paper apple just kind of takes it away because you get five years of updates you know the closest competitor is samsung which is four and then after that it kind of falls to three and two and then sometimes one in those kind of ugly cases so what's your take i think that's that's kind of it there isn't really any other nuance to it like how you like your software updates you like to be advanced hopefully they download quickly like no i just want to have the latest update i don't really care so that one's pretty straightforward to me okay so that one goes to iphone i guess there's one potential saving grace for android which is even though they have less first party support they do have better community support right you've got the custom rom community modding forums all that kind of stuff this is the thing right yes so  because the phone i got first was not as good as i wanted it to be and so i basically devoted my entire life to trying to understand how to hack it to make it better to overclock it and all these sorts of things but as smartphones have gotten better they kind of don't need it the fact that you still can is cool for some but it's some yeah probably a shrinking minority okay so the last thing is pricing and it's obviously a bit of a tough one to kind of blanket because android's iphones there's lots of different price ranges but i guess we could boil it down to value right which one do you think if any is better value for the money i think some of these you want to just average things out but in price it really is just about choice and in the android world there is simply more choice if you care about value i can name three or four android phones with spectacular value if you care about well if you don't care about value we can give you the highest android phones in the world that cost 1500 or get a caviar phone with 55 diamonds on the back right yeah to answer the question of like which one can give you the best value if you search for it it would be android yeah because at the budget end like a poco phone for example like 250 dollars yeah you can go way down yeah or you can go like you can just settle you can go pixel 5 or 6a or you can go like 700 800 bucks we can go fan edition s21 you can go anywhere in there just out of curiosity like how good value do you think the latest iphone se is that's their kind of lowest end phone right now yeah the lowest end phone for them is their best value definitely it's competitive for like one of the best values but value is very much up to what you care about in a phone so if i care about facetime imessage camera that's a great value phone if i care about here's a couple games i want to play i need 120 hertz and i need a big battery sc is a terrible value for you for that same price yeah so options options okay yeah pricing's a tough one so call that a draw oh wait no no we're calling that an android hold on yeah what time is it now 11 20. okay the iphone does significantly win more categories than the android but obviously that's not the full story yeah it's very much a personal decision that decision ultimately comes down to what the person who's gonna go get the phone actually cares about there are objective winners in some of these and then there are very subjective winners in some of these too like photography you are outright iphone.





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